Ralph Baer, the "father of video games," passed away this weekend.
Odds are that if you consider yourself a video game enthusiast, you’ve indirectly been influenced by the work of Ralph Baer. You see, Baer is considered by many to be the “father of video games” - and indeed his influence in this realm has been widespread and profound. In fact, our Simon Says Kit is based off of his 1978 design. On December 6th, Baer passed away at the age of 92.
Baer was a key player in the design of the Magnavox Odyssey, the first commercially available digital game console. He also was the first to design a “light gun” as a peripheral component to a video game. These are just a few examples of his remarkable talent and influence - influence that has spawned decades of games and consoles. In general, Baer had an interesting and eventful life.
So it was with great sadness - and nostalgia - that we learned of his passing. So tonight when you sit down to hammer away on your Xbox or Playstation, maybe say a quick word of thanks to Ralph - there's a good chance the world of gaming would look very different without him.