New Product Friday: Hot New Products

More Edison Blocks and a new product to determine what's hot and what's not.

Even though we're busy shipping all your holiday goodies, we still have a couple of new products to talk about this week. We even have really cool (or hot) demo for you. Be sure to check it out.

Thermal imaging is always cool, but now you can play around with it. It's really cool to see companies like FLiR realizing the potential of the maker community.

FLiR Dev Kit


The FLiR Dev Kit includes a breakout as well as a Lepton® longwave infrared (LWIR) imager. With this kit you will be able to be able to bring FLiR’s thermal imaging reliability and power to your Arduino, Raspberry Pi, or any ARM based development tool all in an easy to access breadboard friendly package. All you need to do to get this kit set up, simply attach the Lepton® imager module into the provided breakout, connect the headers, and you will be seeing in full darkness in no time! Check out the video above for more details on how to make your very own thermal imaging system.

SparkFun Interface Pack for Intel® Edison


This week we are formally re-launching some of our SparkFun Blocks for Intel Edison. This week we how have stock of the Interface Pack. This kit includes the I2C Block, the PWM Block, the ADC Block, and the Dual H-Bridge Block. This kit includes the blocks necessary to interface with just about anything. If you have a bunch of blocks, you'll want a hardware pack to secure everything together.

The Intel® Edison is an ultra small computing platform that will change the way you look at embedded electronics. Each Edison is packed with a huge amount of tech goodies into a tiny package while still providing the same robust strength of your go-to single board computer. Check out the video below to learn more about the Intel Edison.

That's all we have for this week. Don't worry though, I have a few new things on my desk already for next week, so be sure to check back then. Thanks for watching and see you then!