LTE GNSS, MicroMod, and You!

The SARA-R5 LTE GNSS Module from u-blox gets its own MicroMod Function Board in this week's installment of the Friday Product Post!

Hello everyone and welcome back to another Friday Product Post here at SparkFun Electronics. This week, we jump back into the world of MicroMod by adding a new LTE GNSS Function Board, powered by u-blox's SARA-R5 module! Following that, we have a new software defined radio with the RTL-SDR BLOG V3. This USB Dongle SDR is one of the smallest we've featured and this kit also includes everything you need to get started. Now, let's take a closer look at both of this week's new products, shall we?

The SARA-R5 comes to MicroMod!

SparkFun LTE GNSS Function Board - SARA-R5


The SparkFun SARA-R5 LTE GNSS Function Board is a robust development tool for u-blox's impressive SARA-R510M8S module designed to work with the MicroMod Ecosystem. The SARA-R510M8S combines u-blox's UBX-R5 cellular chipset with their M8 GNSS receiver chipset to provide a 5G-Ready wireless IoT device with positioning data all on a single chip. As an asset tracker, the LTE GNSS Function Board offers Secure Cloud LTE-M communication for multi-regional use. It also has an integrated u-blox M8 GNSS receiver for accurate positioning information.

RTL-SDR BLOG V3 USB Dongle with Dipole Antenna Kit


The RTL-SDR BLOG V3 is a low-cost software defined radio USB dongle. Perfect for getting into projects that utilize software defined radios or just learning more about them.

The RTL-SDR Blog V3 is an improved RTL-SDR dongle. RTL-SDR dongles were originally designed for DVB-T HDTV reception, but they were found by hardware hackers to be useful as a general purpose SDR. The standard dongles are okay for DVB-T reception, but are just barely suitable for SDR users/experimenters. The RTL-SDR Blog V3 was redesigned with SDR user needs in mind, instead of DVB-T HDTV users who typically have more relaxed requirements.

That's it for this week. As always, we can't wait to see what you make! Shoot us a tweet @sparkfun, or let us know on Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn. Please be safe out there, be kind to one another! We'll be back with more new products next week so make sure to check back then. Happy hacking!

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