SparkFun Live 3/24/15 - Build Your Own Bristlebot!

Want to build a little friend to buzz around your desk? Join us!

Have you ever heard of a Bristlebot? Basically, you take the head of a toothbrush and add a few electronics bits to make a tiny robot that buzzes around aimlessly. They make great projects for kids or nice conversation pieces for your desk.

Which is why, on March 24, 2015 at 3 p.m. MT, we're going air an episode of "SparkFun Live!" showing you how to put together your own bristlebot! SparkFun Mechanical Engineer Evan will be your host and guide you through the project.

If you want to follow along, here is a wish list with all the required parts (with the exception of a toothbrush - you'll need to pick one up):

We hope you'll join us for this fun project! See you then!