New Product Friday: Photon Phriday
The Particle Photon is here and ready to ship!
Happy Friday everyone. This week we have something a bit different for you. This week, we started shipping the long-awaited Particle Photon. In addition to the Photon itself, we also have all the shields ready to ship out!
Particle's IoT (Internet of Things) hardware development kit, the Photon, provides everything you need to build a connected p…
The SparkFun Photon Battery Shield provides you with an easy way to power your Photon module with a Lithium Polymer (LiPo) ba…
The SparkFun Photon Micro OLED Shield breaks out a small monochrome, blue-on-black OLED to use with your Photon module. It’…
The SparkFun Photon Weather Shield is an easy to use add-on board that grants you access to barometric pressure, relative hum…
The SparkFun Photon RedBoard, to put it simply, is a WiFi/Microcontroller development board in the Arduino form-factor for th…
The SparkFun Photon Wearable Shield makes it easy to add the WiFi enabled Photon to any wearables project. Each pin on the Ph…
You can't have any development board without some sort of prototyping area, the SparkFun Photon ProtoShield takes care of thi…
This is the SparkFun Photon IMU Shield, a versatile motion-sensing add-on board for your Photon device. Each IMU shield is eq…
Particle’s IoT (Internet of Things) hardware development kit, the Photon, provides everything you need to build a connected project. Particle has combined a powerful 120Mhz ARM Cortex M3 micro-controller with a Broadcom Wi-Fi chip in a tiny thumbnail-sized module called the PØ (P-Zero). Want to know more about the Particle Photon? Check out this video below, which goes over the Particle and the ecosystem.
Lastly, we have a little mini-contest this week. Post a comment down below talking about your favorite Photon shield and we'll randomly pick 5 people and send them a Photon Kit. Be as descriptive and verbose as possible. Winners will be drawn on Monday 8/24/2015.