The Shawn's Head Photoshop Contest of Wonder

This is your fault for taking the bait.

On Friday during the New Product Post, we tossed an amazing cut-out of Shawn's best Oktoberfest expression on the blog to see what you could do with it. We loved the entries we got, and now our interest is really piqued, so we're having a PHOTOSHOP CONTEST. Here's how this is going to work:

  • You take the below photo of Shawn's head, and Photoshop it into a (PG) situation that amuses you. If it's inappropriate or generally not cool, we're gonna delete it and be disappointed in you, so just don't give in to the temptation to cross that line.
  • Post it in the comments below.
  • You can enter as many Photoshops as you want, so GO NUTS. Bob_the_Cannibal, TheCentaur and Member #394180, you're already in the running and don't have to re-enter your first submissions from Friday unless you really want to.
  • You have until Friday, September 25 at 10 a.m. MDT to enter.
  • We will pick a winner, post the winning entry on the blog early next week for all to see, and send that special person a MiP robot and box of mystery goods worth approximately $250. (You could even print out the photo of Shawn's head and attach it to your MiP as a reminder of your photo manipulation excellence.)

And that's it! So without further ado, here's Shawn, and may the strangest among you win!

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