The Winners of the Shawn's Head Photoshop Contest of Wonder

They should have sent a poet.

You guys. Never in our wildest dreams did we think last week's Photoshop contest would become what it did, but let's call it was it was: the greatest, and worst, collection of images in the history of SparkFun. We don't know where you came up with all this horror, glory and spare time, but we are both deeply grateful and deeply disturbed. As such, there was no way we were going to be able to choose one winner, so we've chosen a winner for three different categories. Without further ado:

Best Overall Concept

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Congrats LMO! You're taking home the MiP Robot and mystery box grand prize. Way to help us kill some time in the name of working.

Most Well-Executed

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The seamless skin tones! The neck folds! It's almost like Shawn IS Arnold. Congrats bentwookiee! Good things are coming your way.

Most Unsettling

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We've never felt so many confusing feelings about Shawn. Member #15009, we do not in any way want to know how or why you decided to make this image, but it definitely has the potential to break the internet. Regardless of our nightmares, you're getting a special something, too.

The rest of you - never let go of your dreams. Given the wild success of this experiment, we will definitely be doing more contests like this, so keep your photo manipulation skills sharp. Thank you, and keep up the strange work!