November Photoshop Contest

Let's get this month started off right.

Holidays are tough, you guys. You spend days crafting the perfect costume and get one glorious evening basking in accolades and the galvanizing inner glow that only the seasonal pairing of pumpkin-infused beverages and dozens of fun-sized candy treats can give you, only to wake up the next day having been turned into an actual zombie, faced with the cold reality of Sundays and the fact it now gets dark around 4:30, and it just seems a cruel punishment for all your hard work & revelry.

As such, we're going to give ourselves a break to recover from our sugar crash, and enlist your endlessly weird skills in what has become our favorite crowd-sourced form of entertainment: the PHOTOSHOP CONTEST. Here's how it works:

  • You take the below photo of Matt Johnson, Kitting Manager (and Friday's undead show host) extraordinaire, and using Photoshop/GIMPshop/whatever photo manipulation software you prefer, put him into a (PG) situation that amuses you. If it's inappropriate or generally not cool, we're gonna delete it and be disappointed in you, so just don't give in to the temptation to cross that line.
  • Post it in the comments below. You can use the following syntax (with spaces removed) to comment with an image: ! [Caption alt txt] (image url)
  • You can enter as many Photoshops as you want, so GO NUTS.
  • You have until Friday, November 6 at 10 a.m. MDT to enter.
  • We will pick a winner, post the winning entry on the blog early next week for all to see, and send that special person a Raspberry Pi 2 Starter Kit!

There you have it, so get to it! But quietly please, until the line for the medicine cabinet dwindles.

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