Friday Product Post: Shifty Levels

A new version of the Kinoma Create, and a much improved microSD Breakout!

Hello and welcome back to your Friday Product Post. We have a couple items here for you today that should not only help teach you about the basics of electronics, but also be incorporated as a much needed improvement to an existing project. We are, of course, talking about the Kinoma Create V2 and the all new SparkFun Level Shifting microSD Breakout board. Now, here is Nick to go into a little more detail about each product:

Boom! Two brand new products for everyone!

SparkFun Level Shifting microSD Breakout


The SparkFun Level Shifting microSD Breakout is quite similar to the SparkFun microSD Transflash Breakout, but with the included level shifting hardware, this board allows you to utilize a SD at full speed on a 5V system. With the additional feature of being 3.0V to 5.0V tolerant for ease of use, discrete level shifting is no longer required. This breakout is also a bit unique in that it level translates all of its outputs back to the level of the hardware it’s connected to.

We have also written an in depth hookup guide that includes everything you need to know about the breakout and how to get it set up!

Kinoma Create V2


The Kinoma Create V2 is the JavaScript-powered construction kit perfect for prototyping smart consumer electronics and Internet of Things devices. Kinoma Create removes the need to buy a bare single-board computer with loads of different add-ons by creating a plug-and-play environment with all the tools needed on board, all ready to go right out of the box! With Kinoma Create V2 you’ll be at “Hello, world" in just a few minutes.

The newest addition to this version of the Kinoma (besides the increased flash storage to 32 MB) is the addition of Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy (BLE)! With BLE support, Kinoma Create 2 allows developers to build KinomaJS apps that connect to and control BLE peripherals, as well as to prototype BLE peripherals.

Well that's it for this week, folks. We will be back next Friday with even more new products. Thanks for stopping by and we'll see you next week!