Friday Product Post: π-rate!

A new version of the classic Bus Pirate and an all new Raspberry Pi!

Yarr! Welcome, mateys, to another rip-roaring Friday Product Post! We are really getting prepped for SXSW next week (like we have been the last couple of weeks) so we do have a slightly smaller selection of new products. However, this is definitely one of those weeks where we can confidently say that this selection values quality over quantity. Let's see what Sarah has for us this week!

Thanks for the update, Sarah! Let's look a little closer into the new products for this week.

Bus Pirate - v3.6a


The Bus Pirate v3.6a, created by Ian Lesnet, is a troubleshooting tool that communicates between a PC and any embedded device over 1-wire, 2-wire, 3-wire, UART, I2C, SPI, and HD44780 LCD protocols - all at voltages from 0-5.5VDC. This product eliminates a ton of early prototyping effort when working with new or unknown chips. Working with the Bus Pirate is simple and effective - type commands into a terminal on your computer, and those commands are interpreted by the Bus Pirate and sent via the proper protocol. The Pirate will also interpret data sent from your embedded device back to your computer terminal. A big bonus is the bootloader installed on the PIC, which allows you to easily update the firmware and change the functionality of the board.

We also sell a handy cable to connect the Bus Pirate to the system you are developing, debugging, or reverse engineering!

Raspberry Pi 3


Our second new product, which was announced on Monday, is the all-new Raspberry Pi 3! Built with a new ARM Cortex-A53 64bit Quad Core Processor at its heart, and on-board WiFi and BLE, the RPi3 has received a pretty serious upgrade! The Raspberry Pi 3 is currently available for pre-order and we expect stock in very soon.

And that's all folks! We'll be at SXSW next week, but we'll make sure that those of you who are not attending (this writer included) still have a Friday Product Post to look forward to. So if we don't see you in Texas next Friday, we'll see you here. Later!