Blinded With Science

New robotics products, some hardware bits, and a new touch screen.

This is a great embedded project from Anupam Pathak. Check out his alarm clock blinds!

Quite possibly the coolest LEDs we have offered to date. The new BlinkM MaxM is the BlinkM's big brother. This bad-boy of LED trios is fifty times as bright as the BlinkM and a thousand (yes, really) times as bright as a standard LED. It'll blind you with science!

One of the best things about the Nintendo DS is its touch screen - so now we are selling it. Add this 4-wire analog touch screen to any LCD you want.

Adding to the line of Robotics products, this is a serial servo controller that allows you to control up to eight servos with a simple serial interface. Each servo speed and range can be controlled independently.

A nice versatile motor controller - the TRex Jr. This guy features three independent control interfaces: radio control (RC) servo pulses, analog voltage, and asynchronous serial.

The QTR-1RC reflectance sensor is great for proximity and line detection. This nifty module can be read by an I/O line on any microcontroller.

These are not your average bits of hardware. This SMT right angle spacer/nut and SMT spacer/nut can be soldered directly onto your PCB, so you can thread a screw right onto your PCB. Limiting loose hardward = a good thing.

A simple breakout board for the ScreenKeys. This little guy comes with a 1k pullup on the button pin.