Friday Product Post: Pi-Tops

Raspberry Pi powered laptops that anyone can use to learn to code and create! Happy Friday!

Well hello, everyone! We really hope you had a fantastic week because we are going to close it in an awesome way for you. We know it has been unbearably hot outside, so why not stay inside a learn more about the Raspberry Pi or maybe play a fun online multiplayer game that teaches you how to code? With the pi-top you can do that and more! Let's dive in and check it out.

Raspberry Pi powered laptops always make for fun times!

pi-top (Green)


The pi-top is a DIY laptop you build yourself that helps you start learning how to code, create awesome devices and take your knowledge to the next level. This Raspberry Pi powered laptop is an excellent resource to any budding hobbyist, student or intrigued user wanting to learn more about the capabilities of the credit card-sized development board.

The only thing this kit doesn't include is a speaker and its own Raspberry Pi; you'll need to supply that on your own. We purposefully chose the pi-top without its own RPi due to the fact that most of you already own your own board and may want to try using an older, cheaper model, like the B+ or RPi2.

If you are looking to purchase the newest top-of-the-line Pi we do have the Raspberry Pi 3 available now!

pi-top (Gray)


Is the vibrant green a bit too much? No worries; we have the slightly more subdued gray version of the pi-top available as well!

All pi-tops come preloaded with CEEDuniverse, a multiplayer online game that teaches you how to code, build circuits and make hardware that interacts with the game in real time. For example, you’ll be mining for resources in CEEDuniverse. However, you must program your mining bot in order to activate your Mining Machine. Speaking of mining, Minecraft comes pre-installed on each laptop as well!

Alright folks, that's it for this week. Hopefully you can pick up one of these fancy new laptops and keep out of that sweltering (soon-to-be) summer sun! We'll check you out next Friday with even more new products. See you then!