Pack the pits: Deadline extended for AVC and A+PRS

A special treat, because we like you so much.

We are 54 days away from our biggest AVC ever! As you all know by now, we have FOUR competitions to register for, all of which involve robots, and all of which involve some amount of organized chaos.

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As part of our “pack the pits” effort, we are extending registration for the autonomous competitions until August 15! This should give you plleennnttttyyy of time to say, "Hey, what have I been doing all summer?!?! Wasting time; that's what. I need to register for AVC!"

If you’re on the fence about AVC this year, take a look at any of our course preview videos for AVC, PRS, and Combat Bots. And if you have any questions about the competitions, don’t hesitate to send us a note at

New Registration Deadlines:

August 15 - AVC and A+PRS

September 16 - PRS and Combat Bots

See you there!