SIK Keyboard Instrument

You know the SIK; you love the SIK – now let's turn up the volume.

The SparkFun Inventor's Kit is one of our very favorite products – it's in homes, makerspaces, offices and classrooms around the world, diligently teaching scores of people each year the magic of programming and hardware. However, one oft-heard question is, "What do I do with the SIK after I finish the exercises in the book?" Well, in response to that, we've put together a neat little project that you can do with parts lying around the house or classroom.

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There's nothing quite as satisfying as turning a pile of electronics into a functional noisemaker. One way to take your SIK to the next level is to use the included components, concepts and a little know-how (and a handy step-by-step tutorial) to make a simple keyboard. Using some masking tape, a cardboard box, some scissors, a hobby knife, and a pen, you can make a simple keyboard out of the soft potentiometer. We start with the C major scale, but it can easily be changed to almost anything!

If you're looking for step by step instructions to make your own keyboard instrument, they can be found at the tutorial link below or right here on InventorSpace. If you're looking for a challenge, try changing the discrete keys on the soft pot to one continuous sensor that changes the pitch.

SIK Keyboard Instrument

April 15, 2016
We can use the parts and concepts in the SparkFun Invetor's Kit to make a primitive keyboard instrument.

Good luck, and feel free to send us hours of your harmonious compositions.