June 2017 Photoshop Contest

We've got a picture. You've got a purpose, and potentially $100 to use at SparkFun.

We have a winner! Congratulations to TechNinja for taking the prize this time around. You'll be contacted about your prize shortly!

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Great use of all the elements of the original picture, plus the building. Very Jurassic Spark.

Happy Monday!

To brighten the day a bit we want to do a photoshop contest. Here's the rules:

  • You take the below photo of Bob Hunke, Director of Operations and using Photoshop/GIMPshop/whatever photo manipulation software you prefer, put him into a (PG) situation that amuses you. If it’s inappropriate or generally not cool, we’re gonna delete it and be disappointed in you, so just don’t give in to the temptation to cross that line.
  • Post it in the comments below. You can use the following syntax (with spaces removed) to comment with an image: ! [Caption alt txt] (image url)
  • You can enter as many Photoshops as you want, so GO NUTS.
  • You have until Monday, July 3rd at 10 a.m. MDT to enter.
  • We will pick a winner, post the winning entry and send that special person a $100 promo code!

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