2017 Classic AVC Winners!

Congrats to the best and the brightest among us.

Good morning! Thank you to all the fearless competitors who came out this weekend for Classic AVC and braved the winds on Saturday. Check out photos from the weekend on our Flickr page, and stay tuned for an announcement about our Combat Bot tournament winners later today.

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Adult Division

Speed Demon

JRover Maxx - Jesse Brockmann, North Liberty, Iowa / 964 points

Autonomous Car Wars

AsterRisky - Ted Meyers, Aurora, CO / 236 points

Logistics Class

Isn’t On Fire (YET) - Jesse Brockmann, North Liberty, Iowa

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Higher Ed Division

Speed Demon

Mach 0.03 - University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA / 526 points

Autonomous Car Wars

RoboJackets Bigoli - Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA / 479 points

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K12 Division:

Speed Demon

Gold Duster Extreme - Clear Creek Middle School, Evergreen, CO / 10 points

Autonomous Car Wars

Z3K3 - Thomas Jefferson High School, Denver, CO / 25 points

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Engineers’ Choice Award

TwoPotatoe - Robert Bundy

Flair Award

Daisy Rover, Ted Meyers

Antimov Award

Driving Miss Dizzy - Chris Anderson

Upcycle Award

Z3K3 - Leo Busse

Dead Weight

What the Hack - Nathaniel Swanberg

Purple Heart

Georgia Tech, because their table blew over in the wind on Saturday afternoon.

All winners will be contacted via email to confirm prize delivery details.