Announcing SparkFun AVC 2017 Combat Bot tournament winners
And we finally have Combat Bot winners! Due to the number of drops and team name changes, we had quite the challenge determining which bots belonged to student teams. If there is no student team listed as winner in any category, then to the best of our knowledge there were no student teams that won a match. If that is not the case, please email us at
Adult: Tsunami, Nick Dobrikov
Adult: Skippy, Jay Ham
K12: Hungry Hungry Hippo, Jack Ham
Adult: Margin of Safety, Aaron Fan
Higher Ed: Crocubot, Colorado School of Mines
Adult: Quicksilver, Cary Weaver
Higher Ed: Little Blue, Utah State University
Adult: Crippling Depression, Robert Cowan
K12: Something Appropriate, Def Smooth a.k.a. Dr. Sheetz, Thomas Jefferson High School
All winners will be contacted to confirm prize delivery details.