New Flash: SparkFun users are more likely to use Apple or Linux than the market average. And I like pie. What else is obvious?
No shipping on Friday. Bean counting! The snow storm last week delayed us.
Robot Name: 401k Names of people on team: Austin and Peter Type of vehicle: 4 wheels (rover) Approximate cost: $300 (not including costs of parts salvaged from old projects) Size: 15" L x 13" W x 9" H Weight: 15lbs?
Are you coming? Come for the day! Come for lunch. Checkout a couple vehicles. Geek out for a bit. It's either going to an immaculate spring day in Boulder, or it'll be a white-out. I can't wait!
To continue the discussion (and the betting) from the other day, it turns out we have a large contingent of Windows users visiting the site. According to my very shallow google searching, it looks like SparkFun users are heavy in Apple and Linux OS compared to the market average (Windows : 90% of market vs 78.5% of SparkFun users). Can anyone find more reliable numbers than this?