A Tale of Two Product Posts

We interrupt your normal Tuesday post for a very special announcement!

Hello and welcome one and all! No, we don't have any new products today but we did want to let you know that there will be two New Product Posts this weekend. Here's a quick little trailer teasing what we have in store for you!

It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.

That pretty much says it all! Make sure you stop by on Friday for a plethora of new products like you normally do and then, make sure to stop by again on Sunday for three MORE new products in a very Special Sunday Product Post! We wanted to make sure you all knew about this extra product post since we don't normally post on the weekend and needed to make sure everyone had a chance to check out some truly innovative new products! If you have any questions make sure to include them in the comments below and we will be as quick to answer them. Though you should know we can't reveal what the new products are so you'll have to just wait until Sunday.

Thanks, everyone, and we'll see you back here on Friday AND Sunday with great new products. Make sure to stop by and check them all out!