SparkFun AVC 2018: Party, Prizes, and Your Chance to be Famous

We are seven weeks out from SparkFun AVC 2018 and we’re starting to ramp up preparation for the event!

Today we want to share with our competitors this year’s prizes, and some exciting news about the competition weekend. We want to extend a big thanks to our returning sponsor Digi-Key Electronics for continuing to support SparkFun AVC and helping make this year’s event our best party yet.

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First things first: We have our first round of prize announcements!! This year we’ve created more focused student team competitions, added a 60-lb combat bot division and brought back Logistics Class. First-place winners in each of these categories will receive a cash prize or, like many competitors did last year, SparkFun will make an equivalent donation to a non-profit of the winner’s choice.

K12 Prizes

$250 cash prize to the winning team for the following divisions:

  • Plastic Ants
  • Featherweight
  • Logistics Class
  • Autonomous Car Wars
  • Speed Demons

Higher Ed

$250 cash prize to the winning team for the following divisions:

  • Antweight
  • Beetleweight
  • Hobbyweight
  • Featherweight
  • Lightweight
  • Logistics Class
  • Autonomous Car Wars
  • Speed Demons


$500 cash prize to the winning team for the following divisions:

  • Antweight
  • Beetleweight
  • Hobbyweight
  • Featherweight
  • Lightweight
  • Logistics Class
  • Autonomous Car Wars
  • Speed Demons

We will have more announcements over the next few weeks regarding special awards or additional prizes from our sponsors!

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Digi-Key Electronics is hosting a Competitor Reception on Friday, September 7, at the Boulder County Fairgrounds from 6-8 p.m. We’ll be bringing in some delicious food and some entertainment to welcome our teams to Boulder for our 10th AVC. For all our teams that arrive a day early to check in, set up your pits, and test your bots, be sure to stick around for a fun evening!

We will be sending invitations to our registered competitors to RSVP. Non-team members are welcome to join; expect more info on the party in the coming weeks.

Your 15 Minutes of Fame

We have a dream to broadcast this year’s event to the far corners of the universe, and have thus brought in a production team to capture the whole event for a livestream on September 8. We’ll be interviewing some of you for the big screen (or little screen, if you’re watching on your phone) to capture some of the most creative and compelling competitor stories to share with our audience.

If you want to explain your robot or vehicle on camera, feel free to email us at and stay tuned for more info on how to share the livestream with your friends and family!

If you still haven’t registered for AVC this year, head over to to get your bot signed up!

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