Introducing "Old Machine Time Machine"

Love old gear? So do we! Here's a new video series to revel in all that's come before.

Like probably a lot of you, I'm a bit of a hoarder. I've got a bunch of old test gear, a bunch of old tube radios (some of them floor models from way back), and various other things I've forgotten I possess, probably sitting on top of the sump pump.

“Jeez, Pete. You should go clean out that garbage from your basement, don't you think?”

Garbage?!? No way! This stuff is awesome! And it might all still work! And I just might need it one day!

I can't remember the number, I think it's an old Tektronix scope, 25MHz bandwidth maybe? It's got the coolest knobs on it. Precision metal stuff, quality like you never see anymore – unless you're paying really big numbers. But you know what I like the most about it? The screen. It's this small, round, green thing. It's not great for taking actual measurements, but it makes me feel like I'm working on a submarine during the height of the Cold War.

Point being, we've got some nostalgia for our old electronic junk, and now we have a new video series to glorify these old examples of technical wonder. Once a month, we're going to bust out a new (old) piece of gear, maybe open it up to look at the business bits, and talk about its history. It's called Old Machine Time Machine, and here's the first one. Hope you dig it!