Enginursday: Spotify Album Artwork Display

Wes and I collaborated on some code to take your current Spotify album art and display it on a 64x64 LED matrix. Let's check it out!

Over the past few weeks, I've been working on a few square LED matrices and thus have had glowy square projects on the brain. I had the idea to try and snag my current album artwork off Spotify and display it on some of the matrices. I never had enough prototype matrices to make a nice high resolution display, so I moved to a big old 64x64 matrix. This worked, but there were a few kinks and I got busy again, so I let the project go a little.

My coworker Wes wasn't satisfied and wanted to see the project finished so he worked out some of the bugs (mainly pinning the task that grabs the JPEG to a separate core to prevent it from interrupting the display). I figured hey, if Wes is so excited, maybe you would be too! Check out the below project tutorial to get started sending the album artwork from what is currently playing to a display.

Spotify Art Display

Interested in learning more about LEDs?

See our LED page for everything you need to know to start using these components in your project.

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