Basic Kits for Raspberry Pi 4

Two new Raspberry Pi 4 Basic Kits are available today, along with a new carrier board and kit for micro:bit.

Hello, everyone! We are back with another Friday Product Post and this week we have four new products to showcase. We lead the week off with two brand new Raspberry Pi 4 kits that provide you with the basics needed to get the Pi up and running. Next, we have the controller:bit carrier board and micro:arcade kit, both able to to control games and robotics with your micro:bit.

Before we take a closer look at this week's new products we also wanted to let you know about our new "Today's Deals" page that can be found at the upper right hand of any SparkFun page. If you are ever curious about what this week's special deal is, as well as any additional special sales we have during the week, that's where you can find it!

The basics of RPi in a single box

SparkFun Raspberry Pi 4 Basic Kit - 2GB


SparkFun Raspberry Pi 4 Basic Kit - 4GB


The Raspberry Pi 4 Basic 2GB Kit and 4GB Kit include everything you'll need to get up and running with the new Raspberry Pi 4. The Pi 4 moves to a MicroHDMI Connector for monitors and a USB Type C connector for powering the board. Inside the kit you will find a MicroHDMI to HDMI cable and USB Type-C Wall Adapter - two things needed to run the Pi that you probably didn't have sitting around already. The wall adapter provides 15.3W of power, enough to properly power the Pi and most projects.

SparkFun controller:bit - micro:bit Carrier Board (Qwiic)


The SparkFun controller:bit is a fun-filled "carrier" board for the micro:bit that, when combined with the micro:bit, provides you with a fully functional controller system. Designed in a similar form factor to the classic Nintendo controller, the controller:bit is equipped with a four-direction "D-pad" on the left side of the board and two action buttons on the right side of the board. The two push buttons on the micro:bit in the center function as "start" and "select," to complete the NES controller form factor.

SparkFun micro:arcade kit for micro:bit v2.0


We love games! We love writing games, building games and yes, even building game consoles. That's where the SparkFun micro:arcade kit v2.0 for the micro:bit comes in! The kit includes our controller:bit carrier board. With the micro:arcade kit v2.0 you will be able to turn a classic controller into an arcade cabinet by connecting just a few buttons and switches.

That's it for this week! As always, we can't wait to see what you make! Shoot us a tweet @sparkfun, or let us know on Instagram or Facebook. We’d love to see what projects you’ve made!

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