Jetson Nano-Powered Sphero RVR (Part Two)

We took two of our biggest robotics partnerships and combined them into one powerful robot.

This is the second of a two-part tutorial series focusing on combining two robotics kits: our SparkFun JetBot AI Kit v2.1 powered by Jetson Nano, and our SparkFun Advanced Autonomous Kit for Sphero RVR. If you want to start with part one, click here.

In our first tutorial, we assembled the robot from parts and pieces from the two kits on top of a Sphero RVR, using it as our driving base and offloading the computation and control to the NVIDIA Jetson Nano. In part two, we dive into software by uploading the JetBot image, updating the firmware on the Sphero RVR, and getting your bot up and running via teleoperation or machine learning collision avoidance!

You will be downloading software to your NVIDIA Jetson Nano, as well as controlling and programming the robot through your browser using Jupyter Notebooks, so a WiFi connection and a separate laptop is a must to get started.

Jetson Nano + Sphero RVR Mash-up (PART 2)

July 29, 2020
We took two of our biggest robotics partnerships from the previous year and shazamed them together into one robot to rule them all!

This mash-up and tutorial is a guide for you to follow along in building your own Jetson Nano-powered Sphero RVR. There is no real right way to do this; it was us in the shop for an afternoon being creative. Your sensors, board placement and hardware choices may vary.