Some new products - including the SerIO!

Even the AVC can't stop new products!

It's AVC week! We are very, extra, ultra excited! But, we also love new products. So here's a smattering of new items to get you through the week!

First we have the SerIO (which always reminds me of that movie "Hook" and the character Rufio). However, the SerIO is not designed to lead the Lost Boys through Never Never Land, but is a serial interface platform for creating physical computing projects controlled from a computer. Projects that involve the use of analog sensors, buttons, LEDs, buzzers, motors and many more electronic components can be controlled from any environment that has access to a serial port. This is a pretty nifty platform! SerI-Ohhhhh!

The MPR121QR2 (say that five times fast!) is an I2C driven capacitive touch sensor controller, capable of managing up to twelve electrodes. The chip also has eight LED driving pins, which, when not configured to control electrodes, can be used to drive LEDs. The device also features a 13th simulated electrode that represents the simultaneous charging of all the electrodes connected together to allow for increased proximity detection in a touch panel or touch screen array. This part is pretty tiny so if you are not up for some SMD soldering, a breakout board should be coming soon!

Speaking of SMD soldering - want to learn? Perfect - because June 9th, SparkFun will be hosting an SMD soldering class. After completing the class, you'll have first-hand experience of SMD soldering and you'll leave with a working Simon Kit!

Theragrip is a double sided tape for attaching heat sinks to ceramic or metal packages. It provides both good thermal performance and excellent electrical isolation.

The VRBot module is designed to easily add versatile voice command functionality to your project. This module provides voice recognition functions for built-in Speaker Independent (SI) commands and up to 32 user-defined commands. Makes your secret clubhouse password from 5th grade relevant again!

This breakout board is designed to simplify the physical connection both the small and large Kent reflective ChLCDs. All power and control pins necessary to communicate with the Kent displays are broken out to a breadboard friendly 0.1" pitch header. The Kent display is very handy because it retains its image even when it doesn't have power (similar to eInk).

Last but not least, we have the TSL235R Light to Frequency Converter. The TSL235R outputs a square wave (50% duty cycle) with frequency directly proportional to light intensity (irradiance). The device has been temperature compensated for the ultraviolet-to-visible light range of 320nm to 700nm and responds over the light range of 320nm to 1050nm. PWM output is easy to read into any microcontroller!