This Project Is Just a Roll of the Dice

Check out this cool dice project - no electronics, but pretty darn awesome.

Abraham - the Dicecreator - is an inventor/electronics tinkerer/dice maker. While he makes all sorts of cool dice, such as Dr. Mahattan themed dice, we came across a pair of his dice that were just too cool not to post about. While these don't actually have any electronics inside of them, they definitely fit the category.

If these look like components - it's because they are!

These dice are meant to show the history of electronics components - and I'd say they do quite an admirable job. As Abraham describes the dice on his website, the numbers are represented in the following way: .

  1. Resistor. Any metal wire has electrical resistance.
  2. Capacitor (+ resistor). Two metal plates that can store energy between them.
  3. Coil (+ capacitor + resistor). A wound wire that resists electrical current change.
  4. Diode (+ coil + capacitor + resistor). Allows electrical current in one direction but not the other. Precursor of the transistor.
  5. Operational amplifier. Makes use of all the above components to create a singular circuit capable of amplifying, filtering and much more.
  6. Integrated circuit. The pinnacle of electronics. Any component of the above doesn’t get smaller than in this package.

These dice will definitely take a little bit more brain power at first to figure out what they're showing, but they are extremely cool. If you want to pick up a pair for yourself, they are on sale via the Dicecreator's Ebay page (note however that the store is currently closed but we'll be open again May 10th). Nice work, Abraham!