Limor and Phillip present on the state of open source hardware and the companies blazing the trail.
Limor Fried and Phillip Torrone of Adafruit presented Million dollar baby at Foo Camp East this weekend. They introduced the idea/definition of Open Source Hardware that a group of us have been hammering on. They also pinged a handful of OSHW companies and sorted them into revenue categories.
Phillip and Limor did a great job with 20 slides and 5 minutes (Ignite style). Their original post is here. Their slides are here. With Phillip's permission, here's the list of OSHW companies in text form:
Approaching 1M in annual revenue:
Over 1M in annual revenue:
Over 10M in annual revenue:
Whoa! This is a great list of amazing companies. If you have not heard of them all, do check them out. We're all helping to increase the size of this market. I'm not even sure the name of this market niche. Call it creators, inventors, constructors, makers, builders, you name it, we're all having a pretty fun time doing it.
This is a list of fairly open companies (OSHW was the basis for the presentation). This is not a complete list. There are tons of little and not so little companies that are doing amazing work (maybe a bit more closed). If there's a company or site that you really like, feel free to share.