Precision Agriculture and Environmental Monitoring Technology

We looked into what farming, ag tech and similar companies were doing with our components, and created a resource page for anyone exploring tech to improve productivity, efficiency, safety, and resource utilization in agriculture.

In the last several years, technology to support agriculture has advanced at a rapid pace and is only expected to continue growing. Given the unique, remote and often expansive nature of ag tech, the tools needed can vary greatly. Whether you are implementing a DIY solution for long-range communication and data collection, or leading a company building complete systems for environmental monitoring, the options can be overwhelming.

Precision Agriculture Tools from SparkFun

Over the years, many farms and ag tech companies have used SparkFun parts for building DIY systems or prototypes. We took a look at how those parts were being used and put together a page that provides uses cases and consolidates parts used in the following areas:

  • Remote vs Close-Range Monitoring - check out options for wireless communication like LoRa®, LTE, Wifi and Bluetooth
  • Environmental Monitoring and Data Collection - explore sensors - temp, moisture, light, motion and more
  • Geolocation - take a look at how GPS/GNSS and RFID are impacting asset and information management
  • Automation - see how machine learning is helping make sense of data to improve efficiency

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    Explore Use Cases

    FarmHand Automation

  • Developing a system for long-range communication to support autonomous micro-tractors
  • Key tech: automation, robotics, and data collection
  • Key services: custom development
  • “The biggest benefit this project has is that we can have secure data connections with open source sensors that already have Arduino libraries and drivers written. We knew the sensors we wanted to use, but as soon as you need to communicate over long distances in noisy environments things get complicated. The Qwiic Midpoint is going to solve a lot of that headache.” - Alex Jones, FarmHand Automation

    2050 Robotics Lab

  • Using machine learning to spot aphids on sorghum and trigger a mobile robot to spray the affected area
  • Key tech: machine learning and optical inspection sensor
  • Haltwhistle Cheese

  • Using RFID to feed goats and track the herd’s health
  • Key tech: RFID and automation
  • “I may only have a couple minutes per day with each animal to perform a health assessment. Having some automated tools that are able to provide support throughout the day and automatically feed me data on the herd helps to ensure that I’m getting the bigger picture of herd health, and can act early on it.” - Cory Spencer, Haltwhistle Cheese

    LandCare Research

  • Using RFID to track possums and save crops
  • Key tech: RFID and PIR motion sensor
  • PurpleAir

  • The SparkFun OpenLog brings data logging to support a real-time global air quality map - ideal for tracking microclimate data
  • Key tech: data logging

  • What tech have you found that works well for your ag tech needs? Let us know in the comments!