Paranormal Proximity

We have a new Proximity Sensing Kit for you to check out, along with a few new digital multimeters and a new kit from SparkX!

Hello there, everyone! We are back on another Friday with more new products! This week we are going to start off with the new SparkFun Proximity Sensing Kit, which provides you with everything you'll need to get a fun sensing project up and running, with a minimal amount of soldering. Following that, we have a new DC Panel Meter Kit from SparkX that allows you to build a seamless DC volt/ameter. We round out the day with three new digital multimeters. Now, let's jump in and take a closer look at all of our new products for the week.

It may be an apPROXimation, but we SENSE you'll love this kit!

SparkFun Proximity Sensing Kit


Start a proximity sensing project today with the SparkFun Proximity Sensing Kit. Using an infrared proximity sensor, a RedBoard Qwiic, and the included hookup wire, you can easily get up and running on a multitude of projects. Do you want an indication light when something is within proximity? Well we have you covered by including a package of assorted 5mm LED's. How about adding sound to your project? We have also added an MP3 shield and a speaker. From social distancing, automatic doors, robotics, Halloween projects and whatever else your imagination brings you, this kit gives you enough to work with for countless possibilities.

Inline DC Panel Meter Kit


The Inline DC Panel Meter Kit has all the bits you need to create an elegant, seamless DC volt/ameter. Measuring current usually means interrupting the VCC or ground return path, and 'interrupting' usually means cutting. We designed the kit to be used 'inline' - no need to cut wires just plug your wall wart into the kit and the kit into your target device. We found it to be really handy to measure various 12V devices (routers, WiFi APs, etc) up to 10 Amps.

Artech Smart Digital Multimeter - A875


Artech Digital Multimeter - A5020


Artech Digital Multimeter - A5030


The digital multimeter (DMM) is an essential tool in every electronic enthusiasts arsenal. These Smart Digital Multimeters from Artech Technology, however, are not your average multimeter, they feature a continuity sound at less than about 40±10Ω, current/voltage sense, and Smart Measurement features.

That's it for this week! As always, we can't wait to see what you make! Shoot us a tweet @sparkfun, or let us know on Instagram or Facebook. We’d love to see what projects you’ve made! Please be safe out there, be kind to one another, and we'll see you next week with even more new products!

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