The final installment of the High Altitude Balloon saga!
This is the final post about our high altitude balloon project. Or is it? Maybe someone will find our balloon (pretty please?). If you happen across a box of crazy looking electronics with things like 'Load Control' and 'Every Sensor We Know' written on the boards, please email us!
For the final installment of this saga, we add three more tutorials for your perusal. In the graph above, you can see how the Enclosure and Heating System were affected during one of many freezer tests. It turns out we didn't even need a heater!
In the Weights, Measures, and Costs tutorial, we break down the specific weight and cost of all the items involved. The summary is that it was surprisingly light (less than 600 grams!) and painfully expensive to lose (nearly $800 in that little box).
And in the final tutorial, we cover Lessons Learned so that you can avoid some of the pitfalls that we ran across. If we had it to do all over again, these are the things we would have changed.