Are you an Android developer? Here's an event for you!
This weekend, the hacker extraordinaires from GearBox are hosting "Hack Weekend Boulder" in downtown Boulder, Colo. This event will run from 10:30AM on July 24th until 10PM on July 25th and caters towards Android developers. So what's this "hack weekend" all about? Glad you asked!
GearBox is a Boulder-based start up that works with consumer electronics companies and developers to bring phone controlled open devices to the market. With this in mind, they created the "Hack Weekend" event to bring Android developers together to play around with their new Smart Ball APIs. These cool new "toys" (I almost feel bad calling them that) allow you to control a ball via Bluetooth from your Android 2.1+ based phone. Once you have control of the ball, what you do with it is up to you.
The event will give you the opportunity to experiment with the Smart Ball, hang out with some like-minded hackers, and possibly win a Smart Ball of your own! The top app may also get mentioned at the Techstars Investor Day in front of a whole slew on venture capitalists. All you need to participate is a computer and an Android 2.1+ based phone. GearBox will be providing free food, free beer, and free Red Bull - awesome!