Arm Opens Innovation Lab in South Africa

Lab based out of the Cortex Hub, an incubation hub supporting product development.

Arm is opening a new pilot innovation and demonstration (E3)NGAGE lab in partnership with the Cortex Hub, a regional technology incubator located in East London, Eastern Cape, South Africa. The lab will focus on engaging, educating and catalyzing local technology ecosystems while making Arm the computing foundation across the region.

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Arm will support the current activities of the Cortex Hub Electronics Hardware lab by providing workshops, demos and ecosystem training events that leverage Arm-based tools and resources. The heart of the project, the Electronics Hardware Lab, will also provide opportunities for ecosystem partners like Arduino, Edge Impulse and SparkFun to interact with the developer and startup ecosystems.

The lab will serve as a collaborative space for research and development stakeholders in the region while offering a myriad of Arm-based tools and resources for all categories of learners to explore and gain digital skills. As a platform for demonstrating Arm IP, the lab will allow individuals and groups to directly interact with Arm-based technologies, while facilitating access to products and solutions from Arm’s ecosystem partners.

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In addition to people being able to visit the lab, the Arm team will be providing both in-person and virtual workshops. One such workshop will be working on the image classification of fruits, which uses the SparkFun MicroMod RP2040 Processor Board, the SparkFun Machine Learning Carrier Board, and the Himax CMOS Imaging Camera. The workshop will teach Computer Vision using TinyML and Edge Impulse.

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Through the (E3)NGAGE Learning Challenge, the lab will expand ecosystem awareness of Arm based MCUs and encourage the development of local solutions. It will also help incubate startups and prepare training platforms to familiarize developers with Arm tools, resources, and libraries.

We look forward to hearing more exciting developments from Arm about their new (E3)NGAGE lab and how it fosters creativity and innovation in the local community. Stay informed on all the exciting news and much more by shooting us a tweet @sparkfun, or let us know on Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn. If you aren’t already doing so, be sure to follow Arm on their Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter – they also have interesting and inspiring information on their blog!

Read ARM's update on the lab opening here!