The new Alorium Sno M2 Processor joins the MicroMod family along with a multitude of new kits!
Hello, everyone! We are back again with another Friday Product Post here at SparkFun but this week, we have (another) big announcement! This week, we are excited to announce the newest board to the MicroMod family: Meet the MicroMod Alorium Sno M2 Processor! This Arduino-programmable FPGA is perfect for those of you who have been interested in either FPGAs, MicroMod, or both an easy way into each field!
Following that, we have a new Surface Transducer Kit that provides you with a fun starter kit to turn most surfaces into a speaker. But that's not all the kits we have for you either, because we also have two new intermediate kits for the Jetson Nano from NVIDIA and a new version of our popular mbed Starter Kit with increased storage capabilities. Finally, we wrap the week with a new LoRa antenna. Phew... Alright, we have a lot to get through, so let's jump in and take a closer look at all of this week's new products!
The SparkFun MicroMod Alorium Sno M2 Processor features the Snō System on Module (SoM) adapted to the MicroMod M.2 processor form factor. Sno's FPGA provides a reconfigurable hardware platform that hosts an 8-bit AVR instruction set, compatible with the ATmega328, making Sno fully compatible with the Arduino IDE. Sno M2 has a compact footprint, making it ideal for space-constrained applications and an obvious addition to our MicroMod form factor for prototyping.
The SparkFun Surface Transducer Kit gives you everything you need to turn almost any surface into a speaker. A surface transducer is essentially just a speaker except instead of a cone, the coil is attached to a pad that conducts the vibration into whatever you press it against. Hook it up to the included MP3 player and press it against the nearest table, wall or cardboard box. You can even put it against your head and play music directly into your skull (the ultimate surround sound). With the included SparkFun Qwiic MP3 Trigger all you need to do is send a simple I2C command and listen to whatever is on your microSD card.
So, you currently have, in your possession, a Jetson Nano™ from NVIDIA® (or you're at least planning on picking one up in the near future). What's next? The SparkFun Jetson Nano Intermediate Kits provide you with all of the essential parts needed to start new projects with your Jetson Nano. All you need to decide on is how you'd like to power it, via battery pack or wall adapter power supply.
The SparkFun mbed Starter Kit (mSK) is a great way to get into user-created projects created by ARM to assist with rapid prototyping on microcontrollers. The mSK, which utilizes the LPC1768 by ARM, includes everything you need to complete 10 circuits that will teach you how to create a USB host, draw text and shapes on an LCD, log temperature data and more. We recommend that you do have some previous programming or electronics experience before using this kit.
If you need maximum distance for your LoRa project, you need this incredibly durable, outdoor antenna with 5.8dBi gain. This 863-870MHz antenna is 90cm / 35.5" long and includes hardware for pole mounting. Made of fiberglass and aluminum, this antenna is ideal for heavy-duty and high-power LoRa base stations, but can be used with LoRa nodes as well.
That's it for this week. As always, we can't wait to see what you make. Shoot us a tweet @sparkfun, or let us know on Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn. Please be safe out there, be kind to one another, and we'll see you next week with even more new products!