Summer of Jetson Nano! Great Resources & Activities for Jetson Nano Users
SparkFun and NVIDIA are teaming up for a summer of Jetson Nano! Quizzes, prizes, educational resources, and a project showcase cap off a whole array of ways to use and learn about your Jetson Nano.
Are You Looking For Awesome Ways to Learn More About Your Jetson Nano?
Great news! Running from June 21st to September 30th, SparkFun and NVIDIA are offering many ways to engage and learn with your Jetson Nano!
Starting today, the summer of Jetson includes...
Resources to learn more about your Jetson Nano!
- NVIDIA's Jetson Nano page - discover the power of AI and robotics through the Jetson AI certification courses, as well as community resources and more.
- NVIDIA's Deep Learning Institute Certification Course - this free, self-paced online course gets Jetson Nano users started with AI. Upon completion, participants will be able to create their own deep learning classification and regression models with Jetson Nano. Certificates are available. A DLI kit is required to follow along with the course - get yours today!
- SparkFun's Jetson Nano Ecosystem page - find videos, project tutorials and resources for how to get the most out of your Nano and to get to more advanced projects, for example, machine learning at home.
With the release of the Jetson Nano Developer Kit (not included), NVIDIA® empowers developers, researchers, students, and ho…
This kit is designed as an extension kit of the NVIDIA DLI Course Kit that acts as an introduction to Machine Learning with t…
6 LinkedIn Quizzes with Prizes
Every two weeks on Tuesdays, we will release a single question via a LinkedIn quiz - all questions will relate to the Jetson Nano. Here are the details.
- Quiz Release Dates: Jun 21, July 5, July 19, August 2, August 16, and August 30
- Window to Submit Your Answer: Quizzes will be will be open for 1 week
- Where to Find Quizzes: SparkFun's LinkedIn page and
NVIDIA's LinkedIn page
- first quiz is live now!
- Follow Us: Be sure to follow both SparkFun and NVIDIA in LinkedIn
- Win A Prize!: We will message one lucky winner per quiz on LinkedIn - the prize is box full of cool things from SparkFun and NVIDIA
(hint: the DLI course would be a huge help).
Due to current restrictions, requirements, and delays with shipping to specific regions, prizes can not be shipped to China, Africa, India, and nations with US sanctions
Community Project Showcase on Hackster
And finally, we are capping the summer off with a project showcase on Hackster!
More details on this to come when we launch this on August 2nd. In the meantime, build up your knowledge-base and get thinking about project ideas!
We can't wait to see what incredible projects and ideas you come up with using your Jetson Nano this summmer. Shoot us a tweet
@sparkfun, or let us know on
Facebook or