A group sets out to change the way people with Lou Gehrig's disease live their lives!
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, is an incredibly debilitating and vicious disease that affects thousands of people across the world. It essentially robs its victims of all motor skills, while their mind remains unchanged. They are basically trapped in their own bodies, making communication with the outside world incredibly difficult.
Fortunately there are people like those at the EyeWriter Initiative, a group of thinkers and scientists that set out to make the lives of those with ALS a bit easier and more enjoyable. Check out the above video - the folks at EyeWriter Initiative built a device that allows users to use eye movements to draw on-screen with a computer. It allows artists, like Tempt One seen in the video, to continue their trade, even when suffering from ALS. It's not difficult to imagine the possibilities a technology like this could hold for other tasks as well. Amazing work!