
Check out the Vmarker - an interactive digital whiteboard!

PowerPoint is so 1997. Well, ok, I'll admit PowerPoint still has its place - but jazzing it up a little bit is always a good idea. One way to do that is to use Vmarker - a new, interactive digital whiteboard.

The Vmarker uses a 72Mhz ARM Cortex M3 processor with 20KB RAM and 128kB flash memory and connects to your computer via USB. Basically, you use an IR "marker" to point to whatever you are projecting. The Vmarker is capable of reading where you are pointing and interfacing with your computer to interpret the "marker" as your mouse curser. You can use your marker to interact with your presentation or draw on screen. It doesn't require any special software and only need one free USB port. Basically, it's pretty dang cool. The Vmarker is still in revisions, but check out the video above to see how it works in its current state. Great project!