Reminder to use your Free Day credit by March 13th!
In case you missed it, on January 13th, SparkFun sponsored what we call "Free Day" - a day on which we give away a whole bunch of credit to the SparkFun website. This year we gave a touch over $150,000 to customers and $22,988 to charities.
When we did this event last year, it was required that users spend their credit the day of Free Day. This year, we tried something a little bit different and made the credit good for 60 days after Free Day. So right now, we are sitting at 42 A.F.D. (that's 42 days After Free Day) which means you have - let me do some quick math here - 18 more days to use your Free Day credit. That's March 13th - so get those carts ready to go! Happy shopping!