Free Day Funds Expiring!

Remember, your Free Day funds are expiring at the end of this week!

Back in January, we had this little thing called Free Day. In case you missed all the hoopla, you can read the original announcement here and the recap here. Unlike last year, this version of Free Day had a quiz aspect to it and funds didn't have to be used on the day of the event. That's the good news. The bad news - Free Day funds expire this week! You have until March 13th to use your Free Day credit or it goes the way of the buffalo (meaning it expires). 

So you might be wondering just how many SparkFunians have unused Free Day credit? Well, here are some numbers that might make your head spin. On Free Day, we gave out 5577 codes totaling $151,531. Thus far, 3407 of you (that's 61.09%) have used your codes, redeeming $105,365 (69.53% of the total funds) - nice! Unfortunately, that means there are 2170 of you (38.9% of the total) running around out there in magical internet land with unused Free Day funds. Those 2100+ codes account for $46,166 - that's a whole lotta cheddar!

The majority of these codes are worth more than twenty dollars and there are bunch of $60, $70, and even $100 credits that haven't been used. We really, really want you to use these funds to start up your next project, buy a cool new toy to tinker with, or even get a birthday present for your crazy old Uncle Eddy who would definitely appreciate a new compass module. So this is your last reminder - for those of you who haven't used your Free Day credit (you know who you are!), please use it by March 13th.