A nicely done animatronic hand from a 15-year old customer!
Here is a nicely done project from Easton, a 15-year old SparkFun customer. Easton wanted to do something unique for his science fair and set out to create an animatronic hand using a host of servos, some tricky mechanical design, and an Arduino.
The glove itself harkens back to the days of the Nintendo Power Glove and features five flex sensors integrated into a standard glove. These sensors are then connected to an Arduino board with an ATmega328, which monitors the flex and transmit the information via XBee. Another Arduino interprets this information and controls several servos to cause the animatronic "hand" to flex.
So how did Easton do at his science fair? Pretty well, we'd say! He won first place in Air Force Engineering at a regional competition in Durango, Colorado. He also qualified to go to an international science fair in Los Angeles. Nice work, Easton! If you want to read more about his project (or build your own) he does a nice job of documenting the build on his Instructable.