Wireless Tilt Mouse

Exploring XBee, accelerometers, and USB peripherals by building a wireless tilt mouse.

First order of business - you might be wondering where the new product post is for today. Well, we are changing things up. From now on, new product posts will be on Fridays, not Thursdays. We will kick things off with a special-edition product post for tomorrow. We think it'll be worth the wait! Now on to today's project...

Here is a nice project from SparkFun customer Daniel Brondani of Inventions Lab. Daniel built what he calls "a wireless tilt mouse." Basically, this is a computer mouse that you hold in your hand that allows you to move the cursor on screen by tilting the board.

Daniel uses a bunch of SparkFun parts including a ADXL335 Triple Axis Accelerometer, an XBee Explorer, and a USB Mini-B breakout board. While the tilt mouse itself is pretty cool, the project's main goal is to provide an open source way to learn about gathering accelerometer data, configuring XBee modules and dealing with custom USB peripherals. All the hardware schematics and source code are available here (FYI, that is a *.rar file). Nice work, Daniel!