The AVC Is Today

Start your engines!

Today is the day and you are the team - maybe! Today, Saturday, April 23rd, is the third annual SparkFun Autonomous Vehicle Competition. The weather gods have smiled upon us. Oh, wait...they are not smiling. They're...they're laughing! Yes, right now the weather outside is frightful (it's snowing lightly), but it's supposed to clear off by noon or so. Plus, a little weather never scared us! Let's race!

If you are unable to be with us today, there are a few other ways to follow. I will be "live blogging" (kinda) the event via our Twitter page. I'll do my best to keep you updated on who has made it around the building, who has crashed into the curb, and I'll definitely let the whole world know who ends up in the pond.

You can also follow via our live streaming video! On the same page there is also an embedded chat client for you to hop on IRC and mock cheer on all the teams. We think this is going to be a great day of competition, camaraderie, and robotics - hope to see you out there!