Meet the Minibloq

Minibloq - a free and open-source graphical programming environment for Arduino.

When you're first starting out in the world of embedded electronics, chances are you are going to start by tinkering around with the Arduino development platform and software. Even though it's not terribly difficult to get started, it can be a bit confusing for the true beginner. That is where Minibloq comes in.

Minibloq is a graphical programming environment for Arduino. Essentially, it lets you visualize and build simple projects on your computer screen before physically putting them together. This allows you to explore the way Arduino works (or won't work, if it's hooked up incorrectly) while learning more about circuits and embedded electronics.

Maybe the best part of this project is that it is open-source and will be free to the world if the developer can get enough funding on his KickStarter page. This has some awesome potential ramifications for the world of education if students can play around with Arduino and electronics for free! Nice work!