Maker Faire Reminder

SparkFun will be in San Mateo on May 21st and 22nd for Maker Faire!

Hard to believe it, but May is almost halfway over. What does that mean? Flowers, BBQs, and of course, Maker Faire San Mateo! Yep, that's right - next weekend (May 21st and 22nd, 2011) SparkFun is returning to the West Coast for another awesome Maker Faire extravaganza.

If you've never been to a Maker Faire, we highly recommend attending. There is everything from a life-size Mouse Trap game to gigantic Tesla Coils. And, of course, the epic SparkFun booth.

Speaking of the SparkFun booth - back by popular demand, we will again offer our soldering workshops throughout the Faire. We are also adding a new workshop centered around LilyPad E-Textiles. If you want to get going in the world of e-textiles, this will be a great introduction. As we have in years past, we ask for a donation to participate in the workshops. This year, the donations will go to the San Francisco Food Bank and the Internet Archive/Way Back Machine.

This year is shaping up to be an epic one. We will post more information next week as we get closer to the actual event. Hope to see you out there for a workshop or just to chat about electronics!