A fellow maker with a great project!
While we were at Maker Faire, our videographer Gregg and I wandered around the faire to check out peoples' projects and get the low-down on what everyone is out there making. We ran into some really amazing people and saw some great projects. One of the projects that we really liked is from Berkeley-based MonkeyLectric - check out the video:
Above you'll hear all about MonkeyLectric from one of their employees, Laurent Rains. Laurent was kind enough to give us a sample (which we will be "testing" shortly). The thing that we really liked about MonkeyLectric is that, as a company, they consider themselves, first-and-foremost, bicyclists. Their passion is bicycling and they set out to make a project that would enhance what they love to do. In that sense, they kinda reminded us of ourselves - we are, to put it simply, electronics enthusiasts. We do this because we love it - and we saw that same quality in MonkeyLectric. Plus, their products were just plain cool.
Check out the KickStarter page for their newest product - the Mini Monkey Light M210 - if you want to pre-order your very own. You can also check out their website here. Nice to meet you, Laurent, and best of luck!