SparkFun Viking Funeral

Come by SparkFun as we send a few of our products out in style.

Usually when we retire a product, it is done without much fanfare - a simple "this item has been discontinued" is added to the product description (sometimes with a link to a new rev) and the sad product rides off into the sunset alone. This time around, however, we are changing things up a bit.

On October 5th, at 6 PM come by SparkFun headquarters for our first-ever Viking Funeral. This is being planned as a fairly low-key event. It is certainly not intended to rival the scale of an AVC or the upcoming Open House, but we do think it will be an entertaining and weird way to celebrate the "Circle of Product Life" in a very SparkFun way. Why are we doing this, you ask? The idea of an honorary burial came about to encourage the production department to identify the pain points that we were experiencing every time we built specific board designs and to, consequently, gently force the hand of our engineers or test designers to help us redesign the board or test procedure to remove the identified pain points. After first coming up with 13 designs that needed obvious improvements, we elected to narrow down our list to a top 5. Included in that list are the:

Viking attire is encouraged and there will be live music and fun to be had! It is worth noting that this is a small-scale event - all are welcome to attend, but we have a feeling if you buy a ticket to fly out here for it, you might be a little disappointed. It will definitely be a good time though and we hope to see you there!