Check out this project from SparkFun's own Todd Treece.
Today we have a very cool project from SparkFun's own Todd Treece. First off, let me give you all a warning - there is a little bit of audible salty language in the below video. So if you're at work, maybe don't crank the volume - though that's what headphones are for, right? - and you might want to think twice before showing your kids the video if you don't want them hearing a few computer-voiced curse words. With that said, this a really solid project and worth watching, so check it out!
As you can see, Todd hacked the "Siri" function of the iPhone 4S to turn his phone into a speech controlled universal remote. Not only does it change the channel, but it kinda insults you at the same time! Now that's innovation! How did he do it? Well, Todd created a box that is outfitted with an Arduino and a WiFly shield. It is set up with an IR LED facing the TV to act as the control. By using SiriProxy, you can change the channel by the network's name or by calling out the channel number.
If you're thinking, "Sweet! How do I make one?", you might interested in checking out the SparkFun wish list for this project! Awesome work, Todd!