Free Day Documentary

We want to come document your Free Day experience!

We are going to leave this post up for another day (possibly two - depends on the number of responses). If you're interested in being part of this documentary, let us know by emailing us at For those of you who have already responded - thanks! We will let you know ASAP if we are able to come visit you! Cheers!

Free Day is quickly approaching! In case you missed the announcement, Free Day 2012 will be on Wednesday January 11th, 2012 starting at 9AM Mountain Time. We will be increasing the pool to $200,000 this year. We will have some sort of a system to verify you're not a robot and if you're the lucky person that minute, you'll win a $100 gift code. That's the gist. If you want to read the rest of the rules, go here. Today, however, we want to talk about an important idea we are hoping to do this year centered around Free Day. That's right - The Free Day Documentary.

The past couple years, people have expressed interest in a "Free Day Documentary" and this year, we want to make it happen. But we need your help!  Our plan is to send a few crews of people around the country (in addition to right here at SparkFun HQ) to capture various groups' Free Day experience. We are thinking universities, hacker spaces, companies - anywhere that people have gathered in the name of getting free SparkFun gear! We would fly out to your location, spend some time getting to know you and conducting some interviews, and then try to capture your experience as you battle the mobs of people vying for a $100 credit on Free Day.

How does your group celebrate Free Day?

If you think your class/group/friends/company/whoever might be interested in being part of this, please let us know. Email us ASAP at We have a limited number of crews heading out, so the sooner you get your entry in, the better chance we'll come out to pay you a visit (swag in haul, of course). Our goal is to try to plan where we will go this week, so kind of think of that as your "deadline." In your email, please let us know what your group is, how many people will be there, and why we should come visit you! You can send us just text, a PowerPoint, Video - whatever will best help us understand why we should choose you - be creative! Know that we will want to follow you around, meet your buddies, and generally interrupt your every day life (in a good way of course).

So please get your entries in now! The sooner the better and we'll need enough interest to make this documentary a possibility. Again, email us at Hope to see you soon!