Stop by the eTextile Lounge at Bay Area Maker Faire this weekend!
Today we have a guest post from Ally Seeley, one of the leaders in the world of eTextiles, who would like to talk about an event taking place at Maker Faire Bay Area this weekend:
This year the eTextile Lounge is returning to Maker Faire Bay Area 2012 to bring together fashion designers, engineers, makers and more to present their projects. These projects focus on electronic textiles, wearable computer and craft tech makers. The event will take place May 19th to May 20th as part of Maker Faire Bay Area at the San Mateo Event Center.
The eTextile Lounge and accompanying Wearable Tech Showcase will not only provide makers with the chance to show their projects, but will also provide a meeting place for fashioning technology makers, various workshops to get you started and will be a central place to learn from one another. Presenters include Lynne Bruning, Lara Grant, Shannon Henry of PolyMath Designs, and SparkFun's own Dia Campbell.
For more information on the eTextile Lounge at Maker Faire Bay Area please go here. For information on the Wearable Tech Show Case visit here. Hope to see you this weekend!