Goodbye, Teensy 3.X!

This week, PJRC announced the retirement of the Teensy 3.2. We've got everything you need to know about transitioning to Teensy 4.x!

This week, PJRC announced the retirement of the Teensy 3.2.

Tl;dr - supply constraints are making the old 72 MHz chips used on Teensy 3.x difficult to source, while also detracting from progressing Teensy 4.x development. However, the 600 MHz chips used on the Teensy 4.1 and 4.2s are "in sufficient quantity" such that these lines will still be available for purchase.

So, as of this post, all Teensy 3.X products are now retired. Luckily, we already wrote a blog on the benefits of transitioning from the Teensy 3.x to 4.0 and 4.1. If you were putting off switching to the 4.x line in hopes of getting a 3.x, we can safely say it's time to move on. Trust us, it's for the best.

You can also learn more about this transition on PJRC's blog.

We have Teensy 4.x available right here at SparkFun!

SparkFun MicroMod Teensy Processor


Teensy 4.1


Teensy 4.1 (Headers)


Teensy 4.0 (Headers)
