SparkFun Gets Social

Check us out all over the interwebs!

So apparently this whole social media craze is here to stay (I'm as shocked as you are), so today we wanted to tell you about our various social media outlets. Why should you care? Well, you certainly don't have to - but we try to use our Facebook, Twitter, and other social media accounts as yet another way to connect with our customers. If you want to tell us about your awesome new project, ask a question, or just say hi, we work pretty hard to stay actively engaged with our customers through these various pages. From time to time, we also run contests/giveaways, so there is always that as well. So where can you find us?

We have several social media accounts, namely: SparkFun on Facebook, SparkFun on Twitter, SparkFun on Flickr, SparkFun on Google+, SparkFun on YouTube, SparkFun on Vimeo, and most recently, SparkFun on Instagram (our username is SparkFun). So if you're on any of these social media outlets, feel free to give us a like/tweet/whatever! We love to hear from our customers and see what you are up to. Of course, the SparkFun homepage will continue to be the most up-to-date source for all things SparkFun, so don't feel obligated to join Facebook just because of us! Cheers!